Testimonials and Videos
Here at Stoneridge dental care, you can receive dental implants from start to finish all under one roof, eliminating lots of different office visits and ensuring you get the best care during the whole process. We at Stoneridge dental care, have extensive training and experience with dental implants, and our technology is state of the art.
Patient: They care about you. I think they sincerely care about you. It’s not necessarily just a job and they’re putting on a smile.
Come talk to us about dental implants to get you smiling again.
It’s time to take care of you. Experience a new type of dentistry where treatment is centered around you. Our family, at Stoneridge dental care, is giving patients even more reasons to smile with state of the art dental care that’s comfortable, convenient, and all under one roof. We want to make sure you love your smile as much as we love taking care of you and your family.
The time is now to take care of you.
Do you have painful red, irritated or bleeding gums? Are you embarrassed due to bad breath? Did you know gum disease can affect the whole body? You may have never heard your practice address these concerns. Here at Stoneridge dental care, we help you find a solution to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
We at Stoneridge dental care have extensive training and experience with gum disease and our technology is state of the art. Enjoy a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums.
Here at Stoneridge dental care, you can receive dental implants from start to finish all under one roof, eliminating lots of different office visits and ensuring you get the best care during the whole process. We at Stoneridge dental care, have extensive training and experience with dental implants, and our technology is state of the art.
Patient: They care about you. I think they sincerely care about you. It’s not necessarily just a job and they’re putting on a smile.
Come talk to us about dental implants to get you smiling again.
Do you have painful red, irritated or bleeding gums? Are you embarrassed due to bad breath? Did you know gum disease can affect the whole body? You may have never heard your practice address these concerns. Here at Stoneridge dental care, we help you find a solution to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
We at Stoneridge dental care have extensive training and experience with gum disease and our technology is state of the art. Enjoy a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums.
Here at Stoneridge dental care, you can receive dental implants from start to finish all under one roof, eliminating lots of different office visits and ensuring you get the best care during the whole process. We at Stoneridge dental care, have extensive training and experience with dental implants, and our technology is state of the art.
Patient: They care about you. I think they sincerely care about you. It’s not necessarily just a job and they’re putting on a smile.
My name is Charlotte Walker and I’ve been coming to Stoneridge dental since around 1999.
My name is Christy Walsh. I’ve been a patient at Stoneridge for about 10 years.
My name is Doug White and I’ve been coming here for over 10 years.
William Marshall, I’ve been a patient since 2008
Paul Miller and I’ve been here probably 15 years.
My name is Tasha mills, and I have the Invisalign.
Paul Miller: We’ve done a lot. I’ve had quite a bit of work done here, um, specifically by Dr. Patel. And, uh, so there’s been full extractions, dental implants.
Christy Walsh: Over the course of the last nine or 10 years I’ve had braces. Um, and I come for a teeth cleaning.
William Marshall: I’ve had about five different procedures. I’ve had a veneer, cleaning of course, I’ve had a bridge, caps.
Charlotte Walker: Well, I’ve had the cleaning, I had teeth extracted and I’m here today because I just had implants put in, that’s why I came today and I’m very happy with them.
Tasha Mills: Invisalign has been very simple, and actually this is my second round with braces.So this time I’m just doing a little bit of tweaking, but it’s painless, easy, and quick.
Christy Walsh: So I had braces put on before my wedding. Um, and the experience was great. Um, and my smile has changed tremendously and I feel really great about it.
Paul Miller: Got great compliments on my smile or since I’ve gotten it so.
William Marshall: I would advise someone to come to stone Ridge, basically because of how they treat you. Um, again, the pain free is hard to beat to patients. The patience of the doctors and the hygienists and the receptionist. So from when you walk in to when you leave, you’re treated really kindly. So I think that’s important.
The difference here is the staff and definitely the doctors. The moment you walk through the door, it just feels like home. It’s very comfortable and relaxing and usually you don’t associate those type of words with a dental visit, but it’s just a great experience and they definitely care about your overall, um, teeth health.
The difference between coming here to Stoneridge dental compared to other dentists is the personalized gentle care that I receive here. They care about you. I think they sincerely care about you. It’s not necessarily just a job and they’re putting on a smile. I come here because I’m confident that they will provide the with.
A happy smile and a happy smell makes a confident person, basically because of how they treat you. Um, again, the pay three is hard to beat, and just patients, the patients of the doctors and the hygienists and the receptionist. So from when you walk into, when you leave, you’re treated very kindly. So I think that’s important.
The difference here is, uh, they are very professional. I mean, I drive an hour to go to the dentist, so I mean, I could stop at 50 other places along the way, but they, they treat you so they. No stress. I mean, even with all the crazy things that happened to us in our lifetime, I’m still afraid of the dentist.
That’s why I come here because I’m not afraid. I trust them.
The difference here is the staff and definitely the doctors. The moment you walk through the door, it just feels like home. It’s very comfortable and relaxing and usually you don’t associate those types of words with a dental visit, but it’s just a great experience and they definitely care about your overall, teeth health.
The difference between coming here to Stoneridge dental compared to other dentists is the personalized gentle care that I receive here. They care about you. I think they sincerely care about you. It’s not necessarily just a job and they’re putting on a smile.
I come here because I’m confident that they will provide me with a happy smile and a happy smile makes a confident person.
Basically because of how they treat you. Um, again, the pay free is hard to beat, and just patience, the patience of the doctors and the hygienists and the receptionist. So from when you walk in ‘til when you leave, you’re treated very kindly. So I think that’s important.
The difference here is, uh, they are very professional. I mean, I drive an hour to go to the dentist, so I mean, I could stop at 50 other places along the way. No stress. I mean, even with all the crazy things that happened to us in our lifetime, I’m still afraid of the dentist. That’s why I come here because I’m not afraid. I trust them.